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Guangzhou Yue Luen Trading Co., Ltd

Kirim pertanyaan
Kunjungi toko
  • ≤4h
    Rata-rata waktu respons
  • 84.2%
    Tingkat pengiriman tepat waktu
  • US $40,000+
    {0} pesanan
Custom minor
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Pelacakan identitas bahan baku
Pemeriksaan Produk Jadi
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Profil Perusahaan
Unduh laporan
by TüVRheinland
Tanggal pendaftaran perusahaan2013-07-31
Bahasa yang diterimaEnglish
Tahun mengekspor11
Tahun di industri11
Kemampuan produksi
Kontrol kualitas
Dukungan Produk ketertelusuran bahan bakuYes
Metode pemeriksaan produkInspection of all products, Random inspection, According to client's requirement
Pemeriksa QA/QC1
Latar belakang perdagangan
Pasar utamaNorth America(35%), Eastern Europe(30%), Oceania(30%)
Mitra rantai pasokan9
Jenis klien utamaRetailer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use
Kemampuan R&D
Opsi kustomisasisample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing
Produk baru yang diluncurkan pada tahun lalu150
Staf teknis R&D1
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D1 juniorCollege
Ulasan Perusahaan (2)
4.0 /5
  • Supplier Layanan
  • Pengiriman tepat waktu
  • Kualitas Produk
Revised review. Initially the communication was really great but this wasn't consistent. Took 2 months for supplier to advise there was an issue with tech packs i sent through. Recommend in future, if design isn't possible you clearly communicate this as wasn't made clear even though I followed up numerous times.
    the linen is high quality and the style is nice
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